An Integrated Solution Provider

AI based Live Photo Capture

Contact verification (Mobile, Email, Voice )

Face, Finger, IRIS matching with NID

Digital Onboarding and KYC

Biometric Voice Recognition

Core Voice Biometrics

Two-Factor Authentication

Biometric Verification
These methods include fingerprints, facial recognition and iris authentication, and they require the user's physical presence to unlock their accounts.

Identity proofing solutions are technologies, processes, and procedures used to verify that an individual is who they claim to be. These solutions are designed to prevent identity theft, fraudulent activities, and unauthorized access to sensitive information. The types of identity proofing solutions vary according to the level of scrutiny required by the application, the level of security desired, and the available resources.

Identity proofing solution depends on the unique needs and requirements of the application.

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Biometric Voice Recognition

Biometric Voice Recognition

A comprehensive approach might involve a combination of different solutions to improve the level

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Client Learning Programs

Biometric verification, face recognition and digital ID document verification can help companies, governments, and financial institutions verify the identity of a person online.

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Digital identity verification methods